Here's a query. I tend to have a lot of these. And this one is probably not going to be brief, so hear me out, well, read me out actually. ANY WAY. The question of the day is, How do you react when someone you care about does something dumb? Because lately, this happened to me, and I don't quite know what exactly to do. So here are the following options you get to pick from!
1. Do you have to love the person and the thing they did, no matter what it is? 2. Do you love the person for the thing they did? 3. Do you just love the person despite the thing they did? 4.Do you love the person, and love the dumb thing too, because the person did it and you love them, and its part of who they are?
When I was little, my mom never wanted us to call our dog a "bad dog", no matter what he did. When I got a little older, I asked her why that was such a bad thing. She explained that overall, he was a good dog, who just did bad things. So, I started telling my dog that that was a bad thing to do.
I guess the point of my detour is to eliminate a few of the above options as I try to explain my idea of unconditional love. The second option is out, because you shouldn't love people FOR wrongdoings or mistakes alone. The Fourth option feels like its wrong too. I don't think you should have to love thing just because the one you love does it. I don't like smoking, but I love my friend who smokes. Comprehnde?
I think I just answered my own question right there. The answer to this query is number three. You love the person despite the thing. They're separate. Not the same. Smoking is not the friend, the friend is not smoking. I love how things make sense now. Any ways, I've decided what to do. I'm going to love them anyway.
Love from hanhan =]
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