Monday, April 26, 2010

I love you because

Life is like a see-saw, more fun with someone else.

I've fallen in love guys. I completely adore the musical, I Love You Because...<3 its amazingly beautiful and it makes sense. Its funny and the music is happy and sad and applies to life so well. It has good lyrics and the storyline is great. Also, the harmonies...<3

Now, I haven't actually seen this musical. But I've listened to it non-stop. Any way, I'm gonna share my favorite lines with you guys!

I love you because you're not the person I dreamed of at all. I love you because you pushed me in a direction that I thought was lost. You're the answer to a question that I never posed.

Life is like a pickle.
It starts off smooth,
With no imperfections.
But as it ages,
Surrounded by other pickles,
It becomes something pregnant women crave.
And it craves them.
I love you.

Okay. I give up on sharing all my favorite lyrics. Just look it up on youtube.

Love from hanan =]

Thursday, April 22, 2010


once upon a time. there was a girl. she was ready to take on the world. nothing was in her way because she had it all figured out.
once there was a boy. he was afraid of the world. afraid of being alone with his pain. he didn't know what to do or how to cope.
the girl met the boy. she loved how he wasn't afraid to be afraid. he loved how she knew what he needed. they were there for each other.
the boy found someone new to be afraid with. the girl found someone with new hurts for her to fix. happiness doesn't come from fixing someone who doesn't help you.
there was a girl. she was alone. she was afraid to take on the world. she had her own hurts to fix. she had everything in her way and nothing figured out.
she was alone and helpless. she felt lower than ever. unloved and not needed. she saw people leaving wherever she looked. so she just closed her eyes and let them leave.
don't worry. this isn't the end for her. once upon a time and forever onwards there is a GOD. and he steps in when she's at her lowest.
slowly but surely a happy ending started to come through the confusion. the clouds lifted. the hurt healed. the world became possible.
fears come and go. happiness comes and fades. GOD always remains.

Love. ahh. =p

Here's a question. How much should someone sacrifice for love? People say so many different things these days, and I'm utterly confused. My mother tells me not to change myself for someone, but I know for a fact her and my dad changed for each other. What is the balance that makes love?

I've been told that someone should love me for myself. I agree with this statement, because who wants to be someone else? But to make things work, you're supposed to change or adjust yourself to them. What if you were to change for them, and suddenly, lose yourself? You lose yourself in them, get completely and utterly wrapped up in them. And then, when you're so busy trusting and loving them and everything they do, they realize they don't feel the same.


You refuse to change for them. They refuse to change for you. But you both love each other, but you're both miserable but you love each other so its okay that he cracks his knuckles in your ear and drinks a sixpack of beer every weekend, and you like to flirt with guys that aren't him just for fun. These things bother both of you, but you do them any way and are always angry at each other.

Whats the balance we all need? What's the middle group that defines you? What is this thing called love we're looking for? Is the secret to love to completely let go? Because if it is I'm not ready. I'm too scared for that.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Once again, I have decided food hates me. This morning for instance, I decided to make an egg because well, I was hungry. So I stumbled into the kitchen feeling very confident in my egg cooking abilities. I didn't even glance at the skillet, just turned it on so it would be hot for the egg.

Well, You see, when you want to make an egg easy over, You should make sure the pan you use does not have an inch of water in it before you crack the egg into the pan. Just saying. It doesnt always work out QUITE right =p

Love from hanhan =]

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Its a weird thing to move around a lot as a kid. Its not good for your sense of stability, or your ability to have lasting friendships. You learn a lot about people, how to make new friends and not get too attached because, God knows, you don't need to hurt more than necessary when you move again.

You go from town to town, state to state, trying to start over as a different person everywhere you go. You want to be popular and cool and stylish and smart. You want lots of friends who love you, who care about you. You want people to recognize you for extended service or hard work. Other people get these things, why can't you have them?

You get to live in the same place with the same friends for years and years. You did your transformation through your awkward stage there. You grew with people, fought with them, got them to love you, recognize you, need you. You become attached, and its great. You love it there. That is, you love it until you have to move.

You move two hours away, which is so different than what you're used too. You keep in touch with these people, you guys stay close, see each other when you can. You live for those visits. Until you realize that maybe the ties need to be broken so you can make friends here. Your friend calls you, and you ignore it. You don't compliment their shirt when you see them. You guys grow apart. When you see each other, you talk, but its not the same.

You start to make new friends, and you pray to God in heaven you won't have to move again. these new people have been with you through more changes, through heartbreaks and pain, through deaths and hurt. They've made you happy and you don't want to change any more. You keep in touch with the old people, a little bit.

You go to see the people, and you realize how much you missed them, how much you wish they were in your life! You tell them how great they are. They welcome you back, but you're only there for a day. You leave and you realize how much of an outsider you felt like there. How you don't know where you belong any more. Your heart just wants to break. You're so hurt they don't need you. You're so alone.

You get home and try to slip back into your life. it takes awhile. Every time this same thing happens. Every time the hurt is there, a little less, or sometimes a little more. But hey, you've tossed yourself around your whole life. Attachment is for losers.

Love from hanhan =]


What do you do when the person you count on to remain strong all the time falls apart? What do you do when someone you love, whose always there for you when you're at your breaking point, breaks a little and needs you for once? The answer is simple, you do what they did for you, give them a hug, let them cry, and tell them it'll all be okay. Easy right? Normal everyday circumstance.


This person who you happen to trust, to actually care about, and you start being nasty to each other. You say they overreact, They say you never listen to anyone but yourself. You want to get mad, but then, your friend trips, and you realize they're crying. You want to reach out to them, but the friend pushes you away. You walk with them, listening to her cry, feeling your heart tear a little.

You keep walking, and they starts to apologize about crying over something stupid. They start to apologize for letting you see them like this. They start to apologize and cry and trip. This time you catch them. You keep walking, this time with an arm around their waist for support. Finally, they stop walking, and just stand there, looking lonely and sad. They keep apologizing for crying. You explain that you've cried in front of them, and its okay, you know its hard, you tell them you love them. You say comforting things you actually mean. You let them turn themselves and you hold them in a hug while they cry it out.

Other people come to get you, because your friend has to leave. You hug them, and tell them everything will be okay. You help her compose herself. You run them to the car because they're late and their ride almost left without them. After they leave, because you're still worried, you send them a text saying that no matter what you love them and it'll be okay. They reply to your text, which is rare, and the message they send back makes all of this worth it.

You know they're never going to bring this up again, because they hate being "weak". They like to have everything together all the time. But they send you that little message saying how great that was of you, and how, even though so many people are around them, you are the one worth their trust in the end. And that's all there is to it.

Love from hanhan =]

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Make the memories of you go away. please.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Today my puppy Beau, went absolutely insane. He ran around the house and the backyard, biting everyone and everything. After sending the little girls into a fit of screams and agony, we put them inside and him outside, where he chased squirrels and ate things he wasn't supposed to. After almost choking on a chicken leg, we decided to put him in his kennel so we could leave the house. He cried the entire time we were gone. We came home and let him out, And he tried to eat the cats.

Right now my puppy is laying in the hallway. He's completely stretched out on top of shoes and toys and everything. He's snoring a little. I just bumped me knee on the desk and he jumped a little. His ears are flopping everywhere, and he's so cute. Its at times like this when I realize how much I love him.

I kind of believe everyone is like this to me. There are days where you get so annoyed at them and wish they would go away, or SOMETHING. Or at least, this is how I've felt lately. But then you see them for who they are at their best, and you forgive them because you tend to forgive things. And you love them again and are so glad you didn't make them go away. Then you listen to happy music, eat M'n'M's with Almonds and listen to good music and just be happy.

Anyways, those are my thoughts!

Love from hanhan =]

Friday, April 9, 2010

Not sleeping

After 1 AM. I laid in bed for exactly 45.3 minutes. I couldn't take the thoughts running around in my head any more, and I can't take the stuff to help me sleep every night, and I've taken it the past 2 nights. My mother will take it away if she realizes how bad the sleeplessness is getting. Thats right guys. I think I might have a problem. I'm nocturnal. I sleep in the morning and am up all night.

Who even needs to sleep any way? Isn't that what coffee and Gatorade are for? To keep us awake and "rejuvenate" us? I'm just kidding. I know I need sleep. But I can't sleep when I don't know what to do, and when things don't go right. Right now, things are going the opposite of right. in fact, they're kind of going wrong. I have so much work to do. So many things to worry about. I know I should look at the bigger picture and be optimistic about everything. It's night though. I feel alone. And confused. And hurt. And abandoned. And I don't know why I feel that way.

I should be happy. I should be tired from my busy day. I should be relaxed, and not have problems. But no, I let the problem back into my life. and now its his move, and I'm waiting. I can't sleep when I'm excited or nervous. When I was little and it was Christmas Eve my parents would put us to bed later than usual, and I was so excited about Santa I barely slept at all. The night before I went to my first formal dance I went through all my outfit pieces at least 6 times, and slept for about 4 hours. The day before my audition for the show I'm in I practised all night and couldn't sleep at all.

So...hello today. April 10th in case you were wondering. I'm waiting for a boy to make it worth my while to forgive him again. I'm waiting for my best friend to tell me about the college she checked out. I'm waiting for Summer. I'm waiting for life to start, because its all sleeping. I'm waiting for my heart to piece itself back together again. I'm waiting for a lot. So, I'm not sleeping.

I just realized how random and off topic this post was. Its just a train of thought though, so its okay. I'm allowed to use this blog to write down the things going on in my head. About lack of sleep, waiting, everything.

Love from hanhan =]

Thursday, April 8, 2010


It should be a law, it should be posted in every hall, on every door, imprinted into everyone's mind and actions. This thing that I am speaking about should read like this:


Why should this be a law? simple. Because it hurts. Because it's cruel. Because it isn't fair to raise some ones hopes up to the very sky and let them crash around her. Three times. Thats right guys. I let the same guy play me numerous times. The first time was the cheating thing. The second was the dumping me on facebook thing. The third time was tonight. You cannot be friends with someone whose broken you before. And when you let that some one draw you in, promise you things, and then cruelly take them away?

Well...Its never pretty. That's what happened tonight, so I pulled out all of my healing tricks from before. I used to think that the answer for everything was moping until everything worked out. I was wrong. The trick to pulling yourself up again is going ahead and being a girl.

I thought the reason he didn't want me, several times was because I wasn't pretty enough. So tonight I soaked in hot water for half an hour and did my toes. I thought he didn't want me because I was too available. So I've gotten pretty busy taking care of myself. I thought he didn't want me because of my obsession with Show tunes and Country Music. Tonight I listened to Alternative.

While I was sitting around. I realized how STUPID all this was! Why would I want to be someone he would like when I could get anyone else? Of course I'm hurt right now. Of course its killing me. Of course I really really want to disappear. None of this is gonna happen though. I got to be a big girl this time and suck it up. Before I go, let me leave one last note... THOU SHALT NOT PLAY WITH THE EMOTIONS OF PEOPLE. Suck on that gentlemen.

Love from hanhan =]

Musicals =]

Hey everyone! I have a new resolution. I'm only going to write happy things. Cause this sad stuff is no fun. So, starting now, unless something awful happens, happy only!

SO, I'm in a show right? Well after stressing and freaking out and basically becoming a small mess over this one song that I never liked, it got changed! Because of this wonderful turn of events, I'm singing Till There Was You, from the Music Man. As this happened, I've been singing/listening to any song the character Marion sings non-stop.

By singing, I of course mean yelling and running and dancing and falling and laughing and smiling like an idiot. I kind of feel like I'm in love, without a person to be in love with. And its really quite fabulous.

Its kind of funny, because this happens pretty often. I'll find ONE musical, and completely obsess over it, listening to the songs over and over, never getting tired of them. I think the last one that this happened with was either RENT or A Chorus Line. Any who, I'm rambling now, so I'm gonna go listen/sing to the Music Man.

Love from hanhan =]

Monday, April 5, 2010


When I was little and I used to watch TV, or movies, or look at pictures, or read books, or just see a group of people with both male and female beings, I would pair them up, girl/boy couples. I would decide that that's how they would be, and they would fall in love grow up and get married, and that would never change because that's how things were, that what I was taught to believe with all my fairy tales and happily ever afters.

I really kind of wish things and people had this kind if permanent concreteness nowadays, I miss it. A lot . People are together for a day, best friends for an hour, soul mates for a week. Today things just happen, but there is no dedication, no one cares when things get tough, they give up. I'm guilty of this, and so are a lot of other people. It just happens, and suddenly, the concreteness you counted on is gone.

I only bring this up because It's...bothering me. I want things like they were when I was five, when the song Hosanna In the Highest made me think of raisins,and clouds would be great to sleep in, and one day a knight in shining armour would come save me. The days when going into the woods was the most exciting thing because you became a fairy princess, and when you ran around your backyard really fast you were a super hero.

I want things to go back and be simpler. There wasn't a lot of fighting, unless it was with your little brother and his friends, which were being dragons and you had to save your castle. There wasn't drama unless it was on a stage. The saddest part of the day was when your friends went home. The little imaginary world you created for yourself and your friends was the most fantastic and amazing place to be, and it was oh so safe, and concrete. Always changing, but always safely there.

Love from hanhan =]

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Content. and Happy.

Today I feel content, perfectly content and happy. I had so much to make me happy today. Why? who knows. What is happiness to you? Here's a quick list of things that made me feel this happy and content today, try making one yourself, and indulging in those things often:

Good Food
Good friends
Straightening things out
A good movie
Sweet kids
Funny stories
A lot of laughs
Love. Lots of it.

Love from hanhan =]


So today is Easter. A day to celebrate Christ rising from the dead with family and friends. Also, a day for the Easter bunny, who found it necessary to send a certain Sophomore geometry note cards from sparknotes, and a book of poetry. How handy, seeing as I absolutely adore abstract poetry and geometry. Sarcasm intended. But Still, the gifts are handy so I won't fail English or math! So let me share one of the highlights and more amusing moments from the day:

Last night, at about 11pm, after we came home from the Easter Vigil, my mom asked me to make a pudding pie. Now, If you forget to put foil over pudding, the top tends to get weird looking, and a little bit hard. And, if you use vanilla pudding, it turns yellow, like American cheese. The matriarch of the friends who came over felt the need to point this out to everyone, including my father, who felt the need to die of laughter on the floor. So, my face was turned red because of my "cheese pie", and I was told I would never live this down and my kids would one day ask for it.

This is defiantly pleasant news when you already KNOW you can't cook right? You guys read my post on food disasters a few weeks ago, its no fun. I've decided that "cheese pie" and all my other disasters are taking a break from the kitchen. NO MORE COOKING FOR ME! I'll stick to uh...Salads. I can't ruin those right?

Love from hanhan =]

Friday, April 2, 2010


Dear blog, I'm sorry for leaving you! I got distracted and wrapped up in not good things. In fact, they were pretty bad things. But now I have time for you again. so, more supercalifragilistic typings from the crazed pineapple later!

Love from hanhan =]