Saturday, April 17, 2010


What do you do when the person you count on to remain strong all the time falls apart? What do you do when someone you love, whose always there for you when you're at your breaking point, breaks a little and needs you for once? The answer is simple, you do what they did for you, give them a hug, let them cry, and tell them it'll all be okay. Easy right? Normal everyday circumstance.


This person who you happen to trust, to actually care about, and you start being nasty to each other. You say they overreact, They say you never listen to anyone but yourself. You want to get mad, but then, your friend trips, and you realize they're crying. You want to reach out to them, but the friend pushes you away. You walk with them, listening to her cry, feeling your heart tear a little.

You keep walking, and they starts to apologize about crying over something stupid. They start to apologize for letting you see them like this. They start to apologize and cry and trip. This time you catch them. You keep walking, this time with an arm around their waist for support. Finally, they stop walking, and just stand there, looking lonely and sad. They keep apologizing for crying. You explain that you've cried in front of them, and its okay, you know its hard, you tell them you love them. You say comforting things you actually mean. You let them turn themselves and you hold them in a hug while they cry it out.

Other people come to get you, because your friend has to leave. You hug them, and tell them everything will be okay. You help her compose herself. You run them to the car because they're late and their ride almost left without them. After they leave, because you're still worried, you send them a text saying that no matter what you love them and it'll be okay. They reply to your text, which is rare, and the message they send back makes all of this worth it.

You know they're never going to bring this up again, because they hate being "weak". They like to have everything together all the time. But they send you that little message saying how great that was of you, and how, even though so many people are around them, you are the one worth their trust in the end. And that's all there is to it.

Love from hanhan =]

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