It should be a law, it should be posted in every hall, on every door, imprinted into everyone's mind and actions. This thing that I am speaking about should read like this:
Why should this be a law? simple. Because it hurts. Because it's cruel. Because it isn't fair to raise some ones hopes up to the very sky and let them crash around her. Three times. Thats right guys. I let the same guy play me numerous times. The first time was the cheating thing. The second was the dumping me on facebook thing. The third time was tonight. You cannot be friends with someone whose broken you before. And when you let that some one draw you in, promise you things, and then cruelly take them away?
Well...Its never pretty. That's what happened tonight, so I pulled out all of my healing tricks from before. I used to think that the answer for everything was moping until everything worked out. I was wrong. The trick to pulling yourself up again is going ahead and being a girl.
I thought the reason he didn't want me, several times was because I wasn't pretty enough. So tonight I soaked in hot water for half an hour and did my toes. I thought he didn't want me because I was too available. So I've gotten pretty busy taking care of myself. I thought he didn't want me because of my obsession with Show tunes and Country Music. Tonight I listened to Alternative.
While I was sitting around. I realized how STUPID all this was! Why would I want to be someone he would like when I could get anyone else? Of course I'm hurt right now. Of course its killing me. Of course I really really want to disappear. None of this is gonna happen though. I got to be a big girl this time and suck it up. Before I go, let me leave one last note... THOU SHALT NOT PLAY WITH THE EMOTIONS OF PEOPLE. Suck on that gentlemen.
Love from hanhan =]
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