So lately life has seemed like an uphill battle and sometimes it seems like the most beautiful blessing to ever be. I've had a lot going on lately that I don't really discuss ever, plus a lot of life stuff I've been too busy to mention, so let me give you a brief overview.
Sometime in late winter I got accepted to both schools I applied to, and the school I didn't think I could afford gave me a hefty scholarship. So I blissfully accepted them and am going to attend St. Joseph's in Patchogue in the Fall, as a Child Study major.
Sometime in early Spring, I hurt my back very badly and was floor bound and miserable. Turns out I have a condition, but its not a big deal.
Sometime mid spring, someone I had once been very close with and I parted ways. Which was really hard but I think for the best.
Sometime Early summer, I went on a road trip XC. I learned a lot about the wild and why national park campgrounds are cheaper than others (no showers!) how to avoid bears and how cute baby bison are. i also learned that hospital service in Wisconsin is better than NY (seriously, I only had like an 1 hour in there and I was fixed), and not to get poison ivy on your face. I learned that medicine that says non-drowsy makes me collapse in a sleepingbeauty-esque sleep without the beauty part, and the wilderness can be more refreshing than any spa.
Sometime mid summer, I celebrated a year and a half of being in love with my Stephen. He's wonderful without even trying.
Sometime in the past month, we (Stephen and I) adopted 2 beautiful kittens ( Darcy and Elizabeth) who live in my room!
Sometimes in the past 2 weeks, our kittens got ringworm. I'm like really really grossed out by skin issues and thats what ringworm is. So its my own little hell while we try to help the babies get better.
Sometime in the past week I cried for 3 hours.
Sometime in the past week I laughed for 6.
Sometime in the past 2 days I was alone and scared and sad.
Sometime in the 2 days I was held and loved and safe.
Sometime today I lost control and sat in my room freaking out.
Sometime today I cuddled my kittens and read my sister a book.
Theres good things and bad things. Life comes with them both. Sometimes the bad seems to outnumber the good, and sometimes you start looking for the awful because its been too good for to long. I think I'll be back blogging for awhile!
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