Wednesday, March 2, 2011 hoodie smells good.

So. At this moment, my family was watching a movie and Justin Beiber was playing in the credits. Bad times. Also, my nails are painted purple. They also say "grape" on my left hand. I love it. I have a new shirt(<3) and a hoodie that smells absolutely fantastic (<3)I got to see some good friends today which was great, and I'm reading a good book, which makes me happy. Also, I have two poptarts to smuggle up to my room. Now I'm trying to sort out important things.

I've been having a really rough time connecting with people lately. REALLY rough. And I'm so sorry if I come off as standoffish or rude. I don't want too. I just cannot fit in right now and its getting me really frustrated and upset. I'm awkward and conversation is just not happening for some reason. Its reallly pissing me off, like more than I can explain to you. Well, If I tried I might be able too.

Okay. So, I'm not trying to be nasty. I'm just confused right now. Okay? okay.

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. I've gone running two days in a row!
MONDAY: 2 miles. Chica yea.
TUESDAY: 1 1/2 +sprints.

Go me. I should run again tonight.

Love love love Hannah

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