Let it go.
Whatever is bothering you, just let it go. Whoever you're holding a grudge against, let it go. If there's a chip on your shoulder, brush it off. Rather than fighting and alienating everyone and your relationships and destroying your happiness, just let it go.
Great advice right?
Unfortunately, this, like most of the things I want to be able to just do, is easier said than done. I am a generally forgiving person, and I generally let a lot of things go, or slide. But there are things, usually the dumbest, most inconsequential, little things, that just completely piss me off, and make me so angry. They ruin my mood for days, and I will hold it against you until you fix it. I will fight with you over a word slip, or even apologizing too much,
I know this is bad. I'm working on it. I've gotten a little better. But everything sucks when you're holding a grudge or fighting with someone that you absolutely adore and hate to be without. So of course, the only way to get over this is to get really angry, fight for a few days, and then pray everything straightens itself out. And watch as it does just that.
When people who have an actual regard for each other fight, people who care about each other (at least in my experience with friends and family), they will find a way to make things better. No one wants to cause a loved one pain, or make them hurt or upset. so we apologize, and grovel, do whatever it takes pretty much. Which seems pathetic in theory, but in actuality takes more strength than just holding a grudge.
So I guess what I'm saying is, Forgive and learn from the problem, and then drop it. That's more admirable and mature than stubbornly remaining upset and hurt. I'm usually really bad at this. But maybe for Lent, this could be one of my projects...hmm...God does love forgiveness....
Anyway sweethearts, this was more rambling, but I wanted to write and talk to you guys. If you want to share your thoughts on this, or a story, post a comment or send me a facebook message! I'd love to hear more from you.
lovelovelove your work-in-progress, sloth-loving, stair-climbing, rant-typing,
hanhan <3
P.S: Please pray for the people in Japan, and those who were affected by the earthquake and the tsunamis.
P.P.S: Please pray for everyone picking out a college, I'm going to miss my friends terribly.
P.P.P.S: Please pray for me. I could really use some prayers right now.
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