"You believe in coincidence. I believe in Jesus." <= this quote has nothing to do with the post, I just like it.
Today is Ryan's 16th birthday, and I know all of us on the earth still miss him a lot. A death is hard, no one knows how to react, and how to deal with a life that is lost, and you aren't ready for it. A person's life, their words, their smiles, everything that makes them them, affects someone else, possibly unexpectedly. I know when Ryan died, we lost a voice during rosary, the sound of him on guitar, someone to lock us in the basement and not tell anyone where we were, my brother's best friend. But the thing is, Ryan's still with us, if in a different capacity. Nobody doubts that Ryan is a saint, in heaven with God. As a saint, Ryan can continue to change peoples lives for the better. The memory of him, prayers for his intercession, they're all powerful and they can change things, even though his body isn't on earth anymore.
Some things don't make sense when they happen. Some things make you feel like God is punishing you, or being cruel, or doesn't even exist. It still doesn't make sense to me why some people have to leave the earth so young, but I can see good coming out of the bad. Its the difference you make, that's the value of a life. If you can touch at least one person, then you have done well in life. Even after he's gone, Ryan's life is still making a difference to people. So celebrate the life.
I pray to Ryan for help with the Autistic kids in track, or special needs kids, my voice(musical things) or my brother when he's moody(they were very good friends). I'm pretty sure he's help with anything though.
St. Ryan Barret, pray for us!
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