Saturday, October 9, 2010


Dear blog.

I've recently been a hugely hormonal mess, which is not my fault, so I decided not to venture near the blog before I posted even more sad things. Which apparently, makes everything worse. Anyway, the bad times should be mostly over. for now :]
SO! Tomorrow is homecoming. I'm super excited. If I manage to live through tonight, (I wanna do two miles and I'm feeling pathetic.), Then it should be super groovy. Groovy is the word of the month/week. Because cool is boring now. We need better words, ones with more spunk and pinache. I think Pinache is a word. I read it somewhere. It's pronounced PIN-  AHH - shhh.

I have a thought. Shocking I know, but hear me out. Where does one draw the line between humility, being the bigger person, and being walked all over? I understand humility, I really do. I admire people who cultivate it and are able to do that. I'm trying, and its hard. I get being the bigger person too, that makes sense, I teach my little siblings that. And I get being walked all over.Its happened, not a fun experience. I don't want to be the only one fighting for these things to happen. Things that aren't my fault..not all my fault. many more thoughts to come soon....

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