Hello Blog. Guess what I'm eating? Banana smoothie with Vanilla Ice cream. Why am I eating such a comforting snack/treat/thingy you might ask? Well, because I had a very. very. very. bad day. What happened to make today so incredibly bad that I would resort to such a thing and bananas drenched in chocolate syrup and vanilla icecream? Well, I'll tell you.
So a few weeks ago I got really excited about this show, Urinetown, that I was going to audition for, which I was pretty sure I'd get into. Well, I went to the Audition yesterday, looking super cute if I might say so, sang my heart out, read for one of the leads, the whole shebang. I don't sleep that nigth because I'm so excited and nervous. The next day, I feel awful, because of the no sleeping thing. I wait around all day for the phone to ring, dealing with annoying siblings. I finally check my email for the day and guess what? I got cut. They didn't think I was good enough for the show. So I'm obviously crushed, because I had built a lot of my summer around this show.
So, now I'm NOT doing a show this summer. I'm NOT going to meet any of the cool new kids that were there. I'm NOT going to try this whole new experience with other kids my age. I'm NOT gonna get to add another show to my painfully short list of experiences.
That kind of bothered me. But wait, it gets better.
I'm going to Ohio Thursday. I'm actually very excited. But I had to do one of the most awful, the most horrendous, the most vile tasks ever today to prepare, and that is...Help my sisters pack. I like my sisters most of the time. But when you go into their room, so completely COVERED in grossness, after having your summer come apart, and not sleeping AT ALL, its rough to deal with.
Suffice it to say, 4 used towels, 6 pairs of dirty underwear, 2 cute dresses stained, and 3 little girls packed up, I stepped on something sharp, lost it, and screamed. Screamed very LOUD. and LONG.
And that is why, I am now eating a banana and vanilla icecream and chocolate syrup smoothie.
Thanks Hannah, you're the best! I know this day was bad all around and you really were a trooper!