Monday, November 15, 2010

friends, people, places in life.

Guys, life is a journey and you're always learning new things, you learn them everyday whether you know it or not. You might not realize you learned it, but you did. I've been pondering people lately, and their presence in my life. Because, it is essentially YOUR life. YOU make the decisions about WHO is in it, and WHY they're there, WHAT purpose they serve in it. I've come to the conclusion that its really up to you to surround yourself with people who make you into who you want to be. If you surround yourself with people who are negative, you're going to be negative yourself. This doesn't mean surround yourself with people who are shallow and fake and happy all the time, because thats not good. But have friends who can see the upside of things, and help you out. Always return that favor by being there for them.

Its not easy crafting the greatest circles of friends. It doesn't come easily. You have to get a balance of people you admire, trust, love, are amused by, and who make good food. You can't have all best friends, and you shouldn't have all acquaintances. I have a couple circles of friends, and I've been really lucky to have the best people come into my life at the right times. Have people who make you happy, and when they make you nothing but sad or upset, their place in YOUR life should be taken away. They can come back, I mean, I've had two people come back into my life lately, and I'm seriously happy they did. But anyway.

This is rambling so I'll sum up. Have people in your life that make you happy. That make you laugh and smile, that you love. Because they're going to help you get through life, and enjoy it.
These are some of my friends at my birthday :3 They make me happy <3

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