Thursday, November 11, 2010


So today I turned 16. I made three wishes, one at 11:11 Am, one with the candles, one at 11:11 PM. I saw some of the most amazing friends ever. I had cake and hugs and laughs and love. It was a great birthday! And it made me think too :3

A few weeks ago, one of my friends asked who I was thinking about having over this year, if it'd be the same people as last year. After I stared at her for about a minute, she apologized and I told her who was coming. So thats what actually made me think. WHAT DID IT MAKE YOU THINK ABOUT HANNAH? you might ask. WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING YOUR THINKING SPIT IT OUT. you might say. But you probably wouldn't yell it. Anyway. THIS IS WHAT I WAS PONDERING.

A year older, and everything is so completely different this year. I have some of the same friends, and some different ones. I've learned a lot and changed a lot since my last birthday. I don't feel completely different today, like turning sixteen makes you a completely different person in itself, but I think the year leading up to it did change me, and help me grow up a little, or at least in some ways.

Also, at sixteen, a lot of people do candles, but I won't. I will thank you guys.Thanks for being there for me, helping me grow, making me laugh, singing with me, dancing with me, smiling with me, crying with me, thank you! I've made it through sixteen years due to my amazing family, and amazing friends <3

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