Thursday, December 23, 2010

A winner at a losing game

You know what scares me? Don't laugh at me when I tell you.

I'm afraid to die, and have no one remember me. I don't want to not make a difference. I want to be stuck in people's memories as that girl who helped them become who they are. As that girl, Hannah, who really made a difference to a lot of people. Thats what I want. This blog isn't going to change the world, it probably won't change anyone but me. I'm alright with that.

I volunteer at my church a lot, and sometimes when I go out around my town, or surrounding towns, people recognize me and come up and talk to me. I think thats the coolest thing ever, and it makes me so happy to be a mini celebrity(Thats not why I volunteer, but its pretty cool).

These are two unrelated topics. I can't write very fluidly lately :p

~hanhan <3

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